"MeatPack-A Belgium Club Where Art Meets Industry"
When ART meets INDUSTRY, everyone wins, and at MeatPack in Belgium, they are definitely doing thier share of WINNING.
This club/gallery/concert venue/chill spot is in Antwerp, a town you've probably never heard of, but would definitely think is pretty JAZZY with it's vinyl record shops and comic book stores.
MeatPack fits right in with Antwerp's industrial, artistic vibe. There's some TIGHT graffiti and artwork all over the walls. They have concerts and art shows, fresh food, and arcade games.
The whole place is VIBRANT and the AESTHETIC is what I would call "funk-dope."
Get funky with the video below.
Photo Credit-> Instagram: meatpack._
Video/Music produced by: AppealingContent.com
Thanks to Meatpack on IG, for the use of all photos🙌.
Follow them on Instagram: meatpack._
For more on Meatpack, check out this fly video. 👍Share with someone who digs art + music👍
-Chux Román
About the Author:
80's baby / 90's kid, Charles "Chux" don Román was raised on Nintendo🕹️ & Little Ceasars🍕. He likes taking pictures of graffiti and all-around "fly ish." He's equally impressive and embarrassing. He'll do a Rubix cube in front of you, then turn around and "raise the roof" to celebrate.🤦 He's got a rad-ass toy room, though, & his Ninja Turtle loot could make Splinter do backflips🐀. When I asked him to describe his style he said: "I like shit that looks good and feels right." First of all☝️: That's what she said. Secondly✌️: Sounds like appealing content to me.
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