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Wine Diving-A Croatian Exclusive


"Wine Diving"

What would you say if I told you there was an absolute beauty just CHILLIN' in a sunken boat at the bottom of the Adriatic Sea, who's been waiting for two years for YOU to dive down there and rescue her?

Edivo Wines is completely changing the wine game by implementing a radically new way to shop for vino.

The wine starts off above sea level, spending 3 months aging the old-fashioned way. Then, the bottles are put into rubber-lined terracotta jugs called "amphorae,"

and locked inside of underwater cages, where they remain for up to 2 years, naturally collecting algae and seashells. This aging process creates the piney scent unique to Greecian wine.

Some pots are locked together inside of a sunken boat,

and for a fee, you can take a guided dive 👇down below👇 to select your very own uniquely Croatian souvenir.

So, not only will your wine bottle look like something out of a Grecian romance novel,

but you can also Scuba-Steve-it from the bottom of the Adriatic Sea!

How CRAY is that?!

There are 3 Ways the sea creates just the right overall atmosphere for the wine: 1) The consistently cold water temperature❄️

2) Good salt-to-water ratio✔️

3) Absolute underwater silence🙉

Sure, they come out looking a little...rough around the edges, but after a quick rinse and some elegant packaging, voila!

You are left with some wine that's mighty fine, Caroline 👌!

If you prefer NOT TO DIVE into the deep blue sea, there is a 100% above-ground bar that features the same unique wine selection.

But however you choose to acquire it, you'll still end up with some world-class vino which pairs perfectly with a seaside view that's absolutely GORGE 😍!

In addition to fine wine, Croatia is also the home of "Kings Landing" from Game of Thrones. There's even an "Iron Throne" you can visit and sit on, if you're really into the series. If not, there are always the breathtaking beaches, green lakes, world-class coffee, and even a Museum of Broken Relationships to keep your adventure going strong.💪

Use my link to book your stay at and we'll both get $25 credit. 👍

Be sure to check out Edivo Wines at for more info.

👇 Tag your wine buddy below 👇

-Natie Fresh✌️


​About The Author​​:

Natalie "Natie Fresh" Ortiz likes to spend her money on donuts🍩 and plane tickets. She's a low-key bad ass who's hiked an active volcano🌋, swum with stingrays🏊, jumped out of an airplane🛩️, and white-water-rafted thru the Grand Canyon🚣. Her taste for adrenaline is like my taste for chocolate lava cake with a scoop of Blue Bell homemade vanilla 🍨...oh👏so👏strong👏and👏without👏end👏😋. Each week, she lyrically transports us thru an outrageous adventure via her travel blog, "VayCray." Money-saving tips included free of charge✌️


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